This very original synth had a fat sound for a single oscillator design thanks to having two modulating LFO and two filters, one with a fixed frequency and one controlled via mods. The envelopes are also unique, two AR/ASR envelopes that could be mixed together independently and hence also capable of providing an ADSR as well. The result was quite distinct and bristol only hopes to deliver an extraction of that sound. From all known sources there only seems to be one of these still in existance and so it is truly esoteric. Bristol would like to thank the team at Blue Synths for being the only evident source of information and for providing details of its operation (review available at . Baumann BME-700 --------------- This unusual German synth had a build volume of about 500 units and only one useful source of information could be found on it: a report on repair work for one of the few existing examples at The BME systems were hand built and judging by some reports on build quality may have been sold in kit form. The unit was produced in the mid 1970's. The synth has a very interesting design, somewhat reminiscent of the Moog Sonic and Explorer synths. It has two modulating LFO with fairly high top frequency, two filter and two envelopes. The envelopes are either AR or ASR but they can be mixed together to generate amongst other features an ADSR, very innovative. There is only one oscillator but the sound is fattened out by the use of two parallel filters, one acting as a pure resonator and the other as a full VCF. The synth has been left with a minimum of overhead. There are just 8 memory locations on the front panel with Load, Save and Increment buttons and one panel of options to adjust a few parameters on the oscillator and filters. It is possible to get extra memories by loading banks with -load: if you request starting in memory #21 the emulator will stuff 20 into the bank and 1 into the memory location. There is no apparant midi channel selector, use -channel and then stay on it. This could have been put into the options panel however having midi channel in a memory is generally a bad idea. A. MOD Two LFO: frequency from 0.1 to 100 Hz Triangle and Square wave outputs Mix control Mod-1/2 into the VCO FM Env-1/Mod-2 into the VCO FM B. Oscillator Single VCO Glide 0 to 10s, on/off. PW Man: 5 to 50% duty cycle Auto depth: Envelope-1 Mod-1, Mod-1/2, Tri/Square Vibrato depth Tuning 8', 4', 16' transposition Shape continuous control from Square to Tri wave. Mix of noise or VCO output C. Res Filter Sharp (24db/Oct), Flat (12dB/Oct) 5 frequency switches D. Envelopes Two envelopes Rise time Fall Time AR/ASR selector Two independent mixes of Env, for VCF and VCA. E. Filter Frequency Resonance Env/Mod selector Modulation KBD tracking Mod-1 or Mod-2, Tri/Square F. Amplifier Mix resonator/filter. Volume Mod depth Mod-1 or Mod-2, Tri/Square The oscillator is implemented as a non-resampling signal generator, this means it uses heuristics to estimate the wave at any given time. The harmonic content is a little thin and although the generation method seems to be correct in how it interprets signal ramps and drains from an analogue circuit this is one area of improvement in the emulator. There are options to produce multiple waveforms described below. The resonant filter is implemented with a single Houvilainen and actually only runs at 24dB/Oct. There are controls for remixing the different taps, a form of feedforward and when in 'Flat' mod there is more remixing of the poles, this does generate a slower roll off but gives the signal a bit more warmth than a pure 12dB/Oct would. There is a selector in the Memory section to access some options: G. Options LFO Synchronise wave to key on events Multi LFO (per voice). Oscillator Detune (temperature sensitivity) Multi - remix 8' with 16' or 4'. Noise Multi Noise (per voice). White/Pink Pink Filter ResFilter Sharp Resonance/Remix Flat Resonance/Remix Envelope Velocity Sensitive Rezero for note on Gain Filter Remix KBD tracking depth The emulator probably gives the best results with the following: startBristol -bme700 -mono -hnp -retrig -channel 1 This gives a monophonic emulation with high note preference and multiple triggers. The options from section G are only loaded under two circumstances: at system start from the first selected memory location and if the Load button is given a DoubleClick. All other memory load functions will inherrit the settings that are currently active. |
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