This emulation is that of the prophet 5 with added realtime effects.
Sequential circuits released amongst the first truly polyphonic synthesisers where a group of voice circuits (5 in this case) were linked to an onboard computer that gave the same parameters to each voice and drove the notes to each voice from the keyboard. The device had some limited memories to allow for real live stage work. The synth was amazingly flexible regaring the oscillator options and modulation routing, producing some of the fattest sounds around. They also had some of the fattest pricing as well, putting it out of reach of all but the select few, something that maintained its mythical status. David Sylvian of Duran Duran used the synth to wide acclaim in the early 80's as did many of the new wave of bands. The -52 is the same as the -5 with the addition of a chorus as it was easy, it turns the synth stereo for more width to the sound, and others have done it on the Win platform. The design of the Prophet synthesisers follows that of the Mini Moog. It has three oscillators one of them as a dedicated LFO. The second audio oscillator can also function as a second LFO, and can cross modulate oscillator A for FM type effects. The audible oscillators have fixed waveforms with pulse width modulation of the square wave. These are then mixed and sent to the filter with two envelopes, for the filter and amplifier. Modulation bussing is quite rich. There is the wheel modulation which is global, taking the LFO and Noise as a mixed source, and send it under wheel control to any of the oscillator frequency and pulse width, plus the filter cutoff. Poly mods take two sources, the filter envelope and Osc-B output (which are fully polyphonic, or rather, independent per voice), and can route them through to Osc-A frequency and Pulse Width, or through to the filter. To get the filter envelope to actually affect the filter it needs to go through the PolyMod section. Directing the filter envlope to the PW of Osc-A can make wide, breathy scaning effects, and when applied to the frequency can give portamento effects. LFO: Frequency: 0.1 to 50 Hz Shape: Ramp/Triangle/Square. All can be selected, none selected should give a sine wave (*) (*) Not yet implemented. Wheel Mod: Mix: LFO/Noise Dest: Osc-A Freq/Osc-B Freq/Osc-A PW/Osc-B PW/Filter Cutoff Poly Mod: These are affected by key velocity. Filter Env: Amount of filter envelope applied Osc-B: Amount of Osc-B applied: Dest: Osc-A Freq/Osc-A PW/Filter Cutoff Osc-A: Freq: 32' to 1' in octave steps Shape: Ramp or Square Pulse Width: only when Square is active. Sync: synchronise to Osc-B Osc-B: Freq: 32' to 1' in octave steps Fine: +/- 7 semitones Shape: Ramp/Triangle/Square Pulse Width: only when Square is active. LFO: Lowers requency by 'several' octaves. KBD: enable/disable keyboard tracking. Mixer: Gain for Osc-A, Osc-B, Noise Filter: Cutoff: cuttof frequency Res: Resonance/Q/Emphasis Env: amount of PolyMod affecting to cutoff. Envelopes: One each for PolyMod (filter) and amplifier. Attack Decay Sustain Release Global: Master Volume A440 - stable sine wave at A440 Hz for tuning. Midi: channel up/down Release: release all notes Tune: autotune oscillators. Glide: amount of portamento Unison: gang all voices to a single 'fat' monophonic synthesiser. This is one of the fatter of the Bristol synths and the design of the mods is impressive (not my design, this is as per sequential circuits spec). Some of the cross modulations are noisy, notably 'Osc-B->Freq Osc-A' for square waves as dest and worse as source. The chorus used by the Prophet-52 is a stereo 'Dimension-D' type effect. The signal is panned from left to right at one rate, and the phasing and depth at a separate rate to generate subtle chorus through to helicopter flanging. Memories are loaded by selecting the 'Bank' button and typing in a two digit bank number followed by load. Once the bank has been selected then 8 memories from the bank can be loaded by pressing another memory select and pressing load. The display will show free memories (FRE) or programmed (PRG). Sample #1: memory 55, excess filter, mild chorus. Sample #2: memory 1, filter, mild chorus. This was played from my laptop QWERTY so there are some clicks and faults. |
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